
Master the Art of Driveway Construction: Essential Tips for Durable Entrance!

The driveway is one of the very first things that you come by while entering a home. So, you need to be careful and aware while constructing home outdoor, or else you’ll be blessed with cracks and potholes very soon!

To avoid any issues in the driveway, you need to consider some crucial tips. Because that space is not just for mere parking. It helps add valuation and functionality to your property.

In this blog, we will be discussing some driveway construction essentials for a problem-free concrete driveway. Following this will help you build a rock-solid highway that’ll last for years to come without incurring any major issues.

Set Up A Definite Plan

The first step towards any successful project is to set up a good plan and strategy. And for a concrete driveway construction plan, you’ll need to determine three things- permit, size, and thickness. Let’s take a closer look-

  • Permits

Every building has a code. Naturally, this code varies based on the location of the building. So check with the local building authorities whether or not you’ll need permits for constructing concrete driveways. You might have to submit a plan and pay a minimal fee. This is a crucial step as it ensures your adherence to local regulations.

  • Size

After you’ve got your permission, now it’s time to measure the size of your driveway. Think about how many cars shall be parked on that. Along with it, determining the width of the vehicles and their turning radius is also paramount. Also, make sure to leave a little extra space for easy maneuvering and future additions! Sit and chalk out the whole construction plan and estimation before acting.

  • Thickness

Determining the thickness of the driveway is another crucial thing to do! The more thick the driveway is, the better it will be for beefier vehicles! A 4- 5 inch driveway is fine for regular cars, but SUVs, trucks, or RVs might need 6 inches or more.  For the exact thickness and any special considerations for your soil, chat with local concrete driveway contractors for the best advice for buying driveway construction essential.

Pre-Construction- The Driveway Construction Essential Step

After strategizing, now it’s time to get to work! Preparing the driveway construction involves excavation and preparation of the subgrade-

  • Excavation

Mark the perimeter of the driveway with strings and sticks. After it’s done, start digging the area! The deeper you dig, the more stable will your driveway be. The depth will depend on the chosen concrete thickness and the type of base material used. Aim to remove at least 6-8 inches of soil to allow for a compacted gravel base and the concrete itself.

  • Preparing The Subgrade

The subgrade is the compact layer of soil that/s meant to sit right under the concrete layer. Remember- a solid foundation is the key! So, make use of proper compaction tools to ensure a solid foundation. Also, watch out as some areas might require additional base material. Ignoring this step might as well lead to spending hefty amounts on concrete driveway repair!

Setting Forms And Reinforcements

This step will determine how your driveway will look after it’s completed, and how will it perform under continuous pressure!

  • Place The Forms

Concrete forms are like the mold for your driveway. They come in various types like wooden, metal, or even flexible plastic. Whatever the form you choose, make sure that they’re sturdy. Not only that, but also ensure that they are level, and securely staked down to handle the weight of the wet concrete.

  • Add Reinforcements

Concrete is great at handling pressure, but not so good at pulling forces. Thus, to avoid cracks, you’ll need to add a hidden layer of reinforcement- a steel rebar. Think of it as an internal skeleton for your driveway. The size, spacing, and layout of these rebar bars depend on the specific thickness and size of your project.

Take Note: If you want a driveway that stands out from the rest, consider reading the anchored blog for unique and innovative driveways ideas!

Mix And Pour!

Now comes the stage where you prepare the concrete and start pouring!

  • Mix Diligently

Instant concrete mixes are readily available nowadays. But if that doesn’t intrigue you, apply DIY methods! Just make sure to mix the cement and water in the right proportions, and use the correct tools for the job.

  • Time To Pour

Now it’s time to pour! Take as much time as you need in this step. Pour slowly and evenly within the prepared forms. Use a long-handled tool to spread and level the concrete. To eliminate air bubbles and achieve a smooth surface, use a concrete vibrator for optimal results.

Note: You can also apply a concrete driveway sealer for an added layer of protection. But remember to wait for 28 days for the curing time to complete!

We often tend to overlook the importance of driveways. But what we forget is that it’s an essential part of our property, and can have significant impacts if it incurs damage, or the construction goes wrong! If you agree with this and want to add any more fruitful information, make sure to share it under our home improvement write for us section.

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