
Organising Storage: An Enjoyable Handbook for Handling Your Messy Kitchen!

Do you picture yourself in a kitchen where the spices sing from their shelves, the ingredients dance in unison, and the utensils stand poised and ready to use? Unfortunately, the real world frequently presents a different image—one filled with piled-high cabinets, disorganised countertops, and appliances packed in like sardines. But worry not, my fellow gourmands! You can turn your kitchen into a stylish and functional haven with a bit of magic organisation and a dash of imagination. Now take out your spatula and let’s get to work creating some storage ideas!

How do you organize a small messy kitchen?

Part 1: Clear Out Party

Let’s tackle the elephant in the room, er, I mean the expired jar of pickles in the back of the fridge, before we get organised. It’s time to tidy up! Try asking each item, “Does this spark joy (and delicious meals)?” with a little Marie Kondo influence. When it comes to giving away items that have expired, electronics you hardly use, and that cracked mug you’ve been meaning to replace, be brutal. Recall that less stuff equals more room for the things that are really important (like that extra bag of flour you’ve been meaning to use for your next baking project).

Imagine entering your kitchen, where natural light pours in through spotless windows, illuminating spotless counters and well-organized cabinets. No more mad dashes to find the missing measuring cup or the spices in the back of the pantry. Instead, everything is waiting to be used in its proper place. This is the delight of having a clean kitchen, my friend.

Part 2: Container Capers

It’s time to organise now that everything has been cleared out! Make an investment in some chic containers to turn your cabinets and pantry into stylish organisational masterpieces. Consider using lazy susans for those difficult-to-reach corners, stackable bins for vertical storage, and clear containers for easy visibility. Choose containers with vibrant colours and patterns to give your storage solutions a whimsical touch. Don’t be afraid to show off your individuality.

Part 3: Upward Triumphs

Recall that in the war against storage, your walls are your allies! Installing pegboards, hanging organisers, or shelves will help you make use of the vertical space. To add a pop of colour and functionality, hang pots and pans within easy reach, install utensil hooks above your hob and make a spice rack. The days of crammed cabinets and countertops are long gone; instead, your walls are a work of culinary art and effective storage.

Picture the walls of your kitchen filled with an assortment of old-fashioned cookie cutters, shiny copper pots hanging with pride, and spices arranged in vibrant jars. Beautiful cookbooks and ceramic canisters are displayed on corner shelves, and your most used knives are kept handy on a magnetic strip. Meal prep is made easier with the revamp of the fridge, which now has clear containers and labelled shelves.

Part 4: Furniture Feasts in Section Four

Who said that furniture couldn’t have multiple uses? Invest in items that offer storage as well as style. On rolling carts with hidden shelves, ottomans that serve as storage chests, and kitchen islands with drawers and cabinets are the things to look for. You can turn every nook and cranny of your kitchen into a storage haven by selecting the appropriate furniture.

Part 5: Puzzles for the Pantry

Spices that have gone bad and forgotten ingredients can lurk in the pantry like a dark hole. So do not panic! Using shelf dividers, clear containers, and a labelling system that would make Martha Stewart proud, you can overcome this organisational challenge. Sort similar products (pasta, grains, baking supplies) together, make use of vertical space by stacking containers, and clearly label everything. You’ll avoid the dreaded “out of milk” moments by always knowing exactly what you have and where to find it.

Part 5: Happy Categorization

The masterpiece, or labelling, is finally here! The power of a properly labelled shelf should not be overlooked. Consider purchasing a label maker or using vibrant markers and stickers to let your creative side loose. Your organised kitchen will look more unique and efficient if you label your shelves and containers. It will also save you time when looking for ingredients. What spice jar isn’t perfect for a good pun? Something like “Basil-ly Delicious” or “Thyme After Thyme”?


Now you have it! You can turn your kitchen into a stylish, efficient culinary haven with a little imagination, a few shrewd tips, and a healthy dose of humour. Ready to create some culinary magic with storage? Then grab your whisk and embrace your inner chef! Keep in mind that an orderly kitchen makes people happy. Enjoy your cooking!


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